Monthly Archives: June 2017

    With the 4th of July quickly approaching, it’s time to raise our flags in honor of our forefathers before us who declared our independence from Great Britain. All around the country, we are firing up the grill and gathering together to watch fireworks, but what about our grand old flag? If you have an indoor flag that’s looking neglected, the addition of a flagpole finial is a fine way to pay your respects to our nation’s beginnings. Flagpole finials are the decorative ornaments that are placed at the top of the flagpole. Finials can also serve to protect outdoor hollow flagpoles from the rain or be used to hold pulleys, which allow the flag to be raised and lowered.

    Flag Etiquette and Finials

    A National Flag Code was created on Flag Day, which was on June 14, 1923, to provide regulations as to the proper exhibition of the American flag. Flag etiquette includes many obvious
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    Quaint and Quirky - 20 Best Small Town Fourth of July Celebrations Patriotic holiday. Happy family, father and his daughter child girl with American flag outdoors on background sunset cityscape. USA Fourth of July is just around the corner, and it’s the best day to express your patriotic passion in an unabated way. From sea to shining sea, towns and cities across the nation each have their own ways to celebrate America's birthday. Some of these towns have a direct connection to 1776, while others make up for it with their festiveness and unique celebrations. While Washington D.C. may be the obvious choice for those wishing to celebrate, smaller towns offer quaint and quirky charms that can't be replicated in the one-size-fits-all celebrations of larger cities. As eclectic towns across the nation, each with their own unique traditions and ways of celebrating, come together to commemorate this special day, America’s patriot spirit comes alive! Here are the 20 best small-town celebrations across the country.
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    On a chilly, windswept dune in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville Wright experienced the longest controlled, powered flight yet known to humankind. The date was December 17, 1903. The initial flight lasted 12 seconds and covered 10 feet per second. The day culminated with a flight of 59 seconds, which traveled across 852 feet of sand.
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