Monthly Archives: June 2018

    presidential library highway sign Presidential libraries are quintessentially and patriotically American. Located across the United States, these libraries are nothing like your local neighborhood library. In fact, the 15 Presidential libraries are a combination of national history, the personal history of the leaders of the land, and a record of the times in which the leaders served.
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    US flag national musem of american history entrance Memorial Day may have passed, but it is always a good time to catch up on American history. Fully stocked with original artifacts, museums that focus on U.S. history also provide unique hands-on experiences that truly immerse you in historical events. With that in mind, we've rounded up the seven best American history museums for the whole family to help you decide where to visit this summer.
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    Summertime is marked by hot days and warm nights, cookouts and outdoor get-togethers. The days of summer are long. In fact, they are some of the longest of the year. The summer solstice occurs on Thursday, June 21, and many people celebrate this longest day of the year.
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    Flag of Utah state of the United States The state of Utah conjures up quite a few images in the minds of most Americans: Salt Lake City and its beautiful sights, stunning National Parks and strong professional sports. Only a true native Utahan would cite the state’s nickname — the Beehive State. The beehive is more symbolic than literal, but it’s an example of the pride the residents of Utah have in their state and its symbols, like the state flag.
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    Service Banner Although they have not been used a lot since World War II, the United States Service Flag is beginning to find favor once again with family members who have relatives serving in the United States Armed Forces. The purpose of the flag is to honor those family members on active duty in times of war or hostilities.
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