best veterans day celebrations american flag illustration Across the nation, citizens of the USA take the time to recognize those who served in our country’s military. Veteran’s Day is our chance to say “thank you” to our former and current soldiers in a public forum. While many fantastic celebrations take place in big cities, with famous former soldiers and political leaders carrying US military parade flags and wowing the crowds, heartfelt, memorable ceremonies also take place elsewhere. Here is a look at some of the most notable Veteran’s Day parades and services happening all over our country. american banner number 1 divider

Chillicothe, Illinois

This small, midwestern town first made headlines in Reader’s Digest when a Boy Scout, up for his promotion to Eagle Scout, decided to make a documentary about veterans in his town. The scout was named Mitchell Woods, and he interviewed more than 30 World War II veterans to make an hour-long film in 2014. He also organized the community to honor the local vets in his town. Today, thanks to his efforts, the town has an ongoing effort to create a memorial so they can honor soldiers all year long. american banner number 2 divider

New York City, New York

A 16-year-old celebration in one of our country’s biggest cities, the parade that happens every year in the Big Apple is known as America’s Parade. Heavy with military flags lining the parade route and carried by marchers, the event focuses on veterans and first responders, such as firefighters and Emergency Medical Technicians. The parade lasts about 30 minutes and gives anyone helping veterans in the nonprofit sector a chance to march and be recognized. About 250 groups and 20,0000 individuals all walk together in this massive parade, making it a truly exciting event. American flags at veterans day parade  

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Bedford, New Hampshire

The town of Bedford takes a very sweet and cozy approach to its vets. They plan an hour-long ceremony to honor those who have served, also ensuring the kids also have a chance to get involved. Located in the Bedford Town Hall, the gathering puts the spotlight on the local vets, as retired soldiers are invited to speak to those attending. The Bedford Friendship Quilt Guild presents veterans with quilts of appreciation, and there is a concert celebrating patriotism. It’s a great way to go beyond the traditional military gifts to let every veteran know they are appreciated. american banner number 4 divider

Simi Valley, California

If you happen to be in California, visit the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library for one of the coolest celebrations in the country. There is an honor guard and live music to get things going, and this year, the celebration will continue with a speech from Bryan Andersen, the author of “No Turning Back”. A Civil War encampment happens every year to demonstrate the drama and tragedy of war, and this year, there will also be a documentary screening. american banner number 5 divider

Houston, Texas

Houston takes their celebration for veterans and turns it into an opportunity for them to talk with medical specialists, find a new job and receive recognition, all in one great event. As a big city, Houston puts together a massive parade, honored by visiting veterans. The city takes advantage of the large veteran presence by setting up a job, resource and health fair for active and inactive veterans. More than 30 corporations are on hand to talk about job opportunities, and free screenings are available for anyone in pain or just wanting to chat with a doctor. The day also has a formal ceremony and a high-spirited 21-gun salute to honor the troops. world war 2 veteran medals american banner number 6 divider

Auburn, Washington

A small town on the west coast, Auburn has the honor of hosting one of the country’s biggest parades. Walking down a classic, American Main Street through the city’s downtown area, the parade boasts high-school marching bands, veterans’ units, honor guards and military vehicles. This year’s parade is projected to be populated by over 200 units and a whopping 6,000 participants. Not bad for an old-fashioned Main Street. american banner number 7 divider

Lewiston, Idaho

This is a younger celebration, only six years old, and definitely worth visiting if you’re in the Gem State. Lewiston’s parade will start at 11:11 a.m. in order to recall the eleventh day, in the eleventh month at the eleventh hour, to commemorate the first Veteran’s Day parade back in 2011. lewistons parade quote The march goes straight down Main Street in downtown Lewiston, and past parades have featured veterans and vehicles from the attack on Pearl Harbor, members of the Nez Perce tribe who have served the USA, as well as vets from the Korean War. It’s a smaller but very traditional, fun parade, quite worthy of your cheers. american banner number 8 divider

Birmingham, Alabama

Birmingham has the honor of being the home of Raymond Weeks, one of the individuals credited with the creation of Veteran’s Day. Birmingham does him proud with a turnout of over 80,0000 guests each year. The city also holds a memorial service in honor of his service and hard work as a vet, along with a National Veterans Award Dinner and World Peace Luncheon. It’s a great parade to visit if you’re in the South. american banner number 9 divider

Branson, Missouri

This town doesn’t stop at a single parade. They honor veterans with an entire week of events. Branding itself as the Veterans Homecoming, this year’s Veteran’s Week will include a Military Film Festival, a World War II mini-reunion, a Sporting Clays Shoot and a Veteran’s Spouses Luncheon, but there is a whole calendar of events. Check out the Branson official website for more information on their plans and go in person to see just how much they love their vets. veterans holding american flag in parade american banner number 10 divider

Los Angeles, California

Stepping up to honor former soldiers is the highly interactive and very visible Battleship IOWA Museum, an attraction that holds patriotic events all year long and makes November extra special. They kick things off with a massive music festival, give discounted tours of the ships to anyone accompanying a vet and have a sailor’s bar for those of age. They offer a very different approach but one that the whole family can get in on as they salute the troops. american banner number 11 divider

Petaluma, California

This parade has been jazzed over the years with some fun additions. Past marches have included Clydesdale horses, flyovers from Nanchang Airplanes and performances by the fabulous USAF Jazz Band. For those wanting to party in the name of former soldiers, two brewing companies make an appearance to keep the beer flowing. The parade is lively and full of surprises, like classic cars. american banner number 12 divider

Jacksonville, Florida

This parade is a fun because of the participation from the crowd along the parade route. All attending are encouraged to wear red, white and blue and bring homemade signs to hold up for those marching to show their appreciation. The event includes active military members, junior ROTC students and veterans all marching together, and is one of the largest in the Southeast. jacksonville veteran parade marchers with american flags american banner number 13 divider

Albany, Oregon

Albany likes to honor its veterans with lots of great hospitality and a huge parade every year. The march starts with a fun motorcycle honor guard, and this year’s will feature classic cars, scout troops and commemorative floats to honor those who have served. You can follow the progress of the parade from their official Facebook page as it all comes together. Other events include a pancake breakfast at the local high school and a free coffee and hot cocoa service outside the Albany Visitors Association. Get a taste of this hospitality for yourself this November. american banner number 14 divider

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago offers a very different kind of commemoration by setting up a special exhibition each November in the National Veterans Art Museum. national veterans art museum quote While the museum features artwork made by vets all year long, they stay open late on Veteran’s Day to make sure anyone who wants to see their collection of over 2,0000 pieces of combat-inspired works gets a chance to wander in. They host a lot of great events for vets and give the veterans in the Chicago area a fun community that loves them and helps them re-acclimate. american banner number 15 divider

Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington Virginia

Arlington’s famous cemetery includes the Tomb of the Unknowns that marks the deaths of those who were never identified. This monument is the site of the annual wreath-laying ceremony, which is free to the public. A memorial service is also held, and music is played to remember those who didn’t make it home. A more solemn choice, this ceremony is a beautiful one to attend as a citizen or a vet. american banner number 16 divider

Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. is a great place to be if you’re a presidential history buff and wanting to honor your country’s service men and women. Wreath-laying ceremonies happen at memorials throughout the city, including the World War II Memorial and the Vietnam War Memorial. Other events include an opportunity to hear true stories from the veterans at the Vietnam Women’s Memorial and free admission for veterans and active military personnel to Mt. Vernon Estate, where George Washington once lived. american banner number 17 divider

Tucson, Arizona

Tucson loves to support its military and vet communities in a lot of different ways. In past years, they have raised money for nonprofits that help soldiers readjust after coming home by selling paper boots at private stores. In two years, the project raised more than $25,000. arizona veterans day parade with american flags They have held parades for the former soldiers for 98 years running, and 2017 will continue the tradition with the theme “For the Hearts of Veterans”. It will include all the classic elements of a Veteran’s Day parade, with the addition of a lot of love from the city. american banner number 18 divider

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque likes to pepper events for Veteran’s Day all through the city, as well as hold a grand parade featuring perfectly restored historical military vehicles from different battles. Other ceremonies during last year’s celebration included a chance to lay to rest some of the unclaimed, cremated remains of soldiers who died in combat, along with formal flag ceremonies. It’s beautiful to see how seriously the city takes this holiday and the extensive ways they find to honor those who fought for us. american banner number 19 divider

Denver, Colorado

Denver puts together a huge celebration in Civic Park every year, complete with tons of food from local food trucks, displays of current and vintage military uniforms and vehicles, as well as a parade full of proud vets. The city also hosts an intense run that raises money for the Colorado Veterans Project. Runners can take on the 10K, the 5K or a 10K rucksack race complete with an award ceremony at the end. The event is one of the many efforts to raise awareness and patriotism while giving families a fun day at the park. american banner number 20 divider

Anchorage, Alaska

If you’re located in the country’s far North, you can still celebrate in style in the city of Anchorage. The city spreads out the holiday over a range of events, including a Veteran’s Day Dinner at the Elks Lodge, free meals for vets at different restaurants all over town and a fun outdoor festival to balance out the more solemn memorials. Residents of Anchorage can choose from tons of different benefits and ways to remember to keep them connected to their local vets. american banner number 21 divider

The Islands of Hawaii

Hawaii spreads the love for veterans across its many islands in the form of small ceremonies all over the state. Restaurants across Hawaii offer free food to anyone in uniform. Vets can take advantage of free appetizers at steakhouses and free bowls of pasta, as well as a free dessert from ice cream parlors. This year’s parade will have the theme “Celebrate Service” and will be held in the town of Hilo. anchorage alaska quote american banner number 22 divider

Walt Disney World, Orlando, Florida

November is a great time to visit this giant park packed with attractions. The park also pays tribute to our veterans. Main attractions are located on Main Street, USA, where vets can get a free haircut, and the kids can enjoy ballpark-style hotdogs and french fries. Plan a fun day with Mickey and Minnie, as well as some moving tributes to soldiers at this truly unique location.
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