The NFL has reportedly rejected the ad below submitted by a national veterans organization for inclusion in the Super Bowl's printed program. The full-page ad - which runs about $30,000 features a photo of the American flag, along with the words "Please Stand." "While we are well aware of the controversy surrounding players kneeling during the National Anthem and the public relations problems this has caused the NFL, our ad is neither a demand nor a judgment upon those who choose to kneel during the National Anthem," an AMVETS National Commander wrote to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, asking him to reverse the decision last week. "It's a simple, polite request that represents the sentiment of our membership, particularly those whose missing or paralyzed limbs preclude standing. We sought to give a new context to the discussion from the perspective of veterans who had been largely disregarded," AMVETS continued in their appeal. The NFL called the ad a "political statement" in rejecting it. While we at respect the rights of those to choose to sit or kneel during the national anthem, we stand - especially when our veterans ask us to. If you agree, here's what we'd ask you to do: 1) Purchase a brand new fresh American flag that you can display proudly on Super Bowl Sunday. We will even give you a 10% discount if you use the coupon code STAND at checkout. 2) For every flag we sell from now until the Super Bowl is over using that STAND code, we will donate 1 brand new US flag in your name to AMVETS and other veteran's groups for distribution to veterans who might not otherwise be able to afford a flag. If you buy one flag, we donate one; if you buy three, we donate three and so on. We'll post pictures of the flags we donate on Facebook once the promotion is over. Let's take a stand in support of American pride and in support of our vets. Click here to buy a US flag on sale right now and we'll send another one in your name to a needy vet!